Thursday, May 20, 2010

Booking Into Class

It's only the first week of the new booking in system and we are working to try and iron out any creases so please bear with us. A few things you can do to help:
1)Only put your name down for the respective class if you are 100% intent on attending.
2)If something does come up that prevents you from attending could you inform us at 12pm very latest on the day of the class. 4/5pm does not allow us enough time to offer your place to other members.
To do this post to the comments section of that day e.g
Cannot make 5:30 but would like to do 6:30. Free space at 5:30 Matthew E.
If you would then like to take the spot just reply (first come first served) e.g
I will take Matthew's 5:30 spot - Jaffa.
Thanks for your help and understanding on this CFV.

Tonight we are going to spend time working on the Split Jerk. Check the video for a heads up (sorry about the coaches voice!)

Split Jerk Technique
Split Jerk

Finisher: In 7 minutes perform 75 weighted box jumps once clock stops any left over reps become burpees!!
Post loads for split jerk to comments.

The Split Jerk from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

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