Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The numbers to last nights classes were again really unbalanced. A 20/2 split basically puts us in the same situation that prompted us to go to 2 classes. 20 is way too big a number to ensure that everyone benefits from quality instruction and coaching. Our first priority is to ensure that we COACH COACH COACH and that EVERYONE receives some coaching. This is just not possible with the present numbers.
So we are now going to put a cap on numbers and this is only to ensure that YOU get the best possible experience from the classes you take with us. Tonight a sign up sheet will be put outside the office and you will need to sign up for Mon and Wed's classes on a first come first served basis, classes will be limited to 14 spaces. Please bear with us as we go through these "growing pains". As always we welcome your views please post to comments.
Matthew, Nick & Adrian

Get signed up for the RX'D challenge on the 30th if you do not plan on attempting the challenge just come along and join us for a beer.
New hoodie order going in this week, if you want one let us know ASAP.

Individual Programming

Met Con:
For Time
Run 800m
30 KTE
30 Box Jumps
Run 400m
20 KTE
20 Box Jumps
Run 200m
10 KTE
10 Box Jumps

Post time to comments

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