Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Check out the new CFV online shop. Click shop on the righthand side of this page.
The first CFV RX'D Challenge is running this month on Sunday 30th (Bank Holiday weekend) check the upcoming events page for details of how the challenge will run. We intend to have a BBQ and a few beers following the challenge and would like you all to attend even if its just to support and cheer those who are attempting to graduate from Class 01. Fun times!!

Our next cycle of training will focus on working your individual weaknesses. Set a target get it on the whiteboard and then work on it during the individual programming time during class.

Individual Programming

Met Con:
In pairs complete for time:
50 Font Squat 40kg/30kg
CFV Hill Run
40 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg

Each person must do 50 front squats 1 partner must hold their bar in a locked out overhead position while the other performs their front squats. If the partner breaks the locked out overhead position the front squat reps will not count. Once the bar is back locked out overhead the reps will count.
Both partners run the CFV Hill only once both have completed the front squats.
The same critera then applies to the kettlebell swings.

Post time to comments

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