Wednesday, May 19, 2010


CrossFit works simple. But of all the people who try it only about 20% of them will reap the benefits of constantly varied, functional movement executed at high intensity. We can teach you the movements, design workouts and give you nutrition advice but ultimately it is YOU the individual who dictates how your CrossFit journey will go. If put your trust in us and commit to hard work your potential is endless. One of the most important factors in achieving success is nutrition. YOU CANNOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET and I cannot emphasise this enough!
Gi joined us in November and has thrown himself into CrossFit 110%. He attacks WODs with complete single mindedness, records all his training AND FOLLOWS THE PALEO NUTRITION ADVICE WE GIVE HIM. He followed our advice after completing his fundamentals classes by taking a "before picture" and yesterday he emailed me a picture of himself taken recently. It is clear from the massive shift in his body composition that he has dropped a huge amount of body fat. But what the pictures do not show are the improvements made in the 10 physical skills. Gi is stronger more powerful and has increased his work capacity and is now able to complete more work in less time and this is evident in the PB's he is setting in benchmark WODS.
Gi it is a pleasure to have you as part of our CFV family and you have shown what CrossFit can do!! I hope you inspire others to change their diet and lifestyle and fulfil their potential. To read Gi's testimonial click on Testimonials on the right hand side of this page.

Individual Programming

Met Con:

10-1 Deadlift / 1-10 HSPU
Do 10 deadlifts, 1 HSPU, 9 deadlifts, 2 HSPU etc work to 1 on deadlifts 10 on HSPU.

Run 200m

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