Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 Things I Learnt Last Weekend

1) Gi is a white van man BIGTIME when he drives.
2) Gi loves coffee
3) Gi Loves M&S sherries (Cherrys)
4) Gi loves Havana Dark Rum (must be aged 7 years)
5) Gi Loves Steaks (they make him "appy")
6) Gi has a Welsh French accent he is "Wench"
7) Double kettlebell Wods are TOUGH
8) Prowlers SUCK
9) Judging in the rain sucks
10) Gi & Andy are HUGE competitors

{A} Warm Up /Mobilise
{B} Establish a 1RM Thruster
{C} AMRAP 7 Mins
7 Deadlifts (100/80kg)
14 Squats
21 Double Unders
{D} Stretch / Roll

Post Thruster 1RM and Rounds to comments and anything you have learnt since starting CrossFit!

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