Friday, July 2, 2010

RX'D Challenge Class 02

The planned RX'D Challenge for this month has been moved to next Friday 5:30-7:30 and will be held during the open gym session. Please email us or sign up at the gym. Detailed info on format and movement standards is on our Upcoming Events page.

After the 6:30pm class last night a few of us were chewing the fat so to speak, the main topic was diet and in particular Paleo and specifically ideas of what to eat. Those that are now considering what you put in your bodies are going to see HUGE changes in your body composition and performance (if you have not seen Gi's testimonial check it out now on our testimonials page). Anyway other great resource for you on top of Marks Daily Apple is this really cool site from CrossFit Football owner John Welbourne it covers nutrition and a host of other cool stuff!

If you really need nutrition advice though look no further than Ron Burgundy he has some great advice on what to eat!

Open Gym 4-6pm
Rest Day / Skills Day / Make Up Day
There are only a few that have access to open gym days at the moment and quite a few are away on holiday so if you are planning on coming to the open gym today please post to comments along with what time you plan to come.

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