Sunday, July 18, 2010

CF Central Manchester Games

I write this with 2 very tired and sore athletes in the hotel room
with me. Andy and Gi put in tremendous performances finishing 2nd and
16th respectivley. The day was pretty brutal but as usual the mellow
and welcoming UK CrossFit community were out in force offering massive
amounts of support to every athlete on show.
The first WOD was combined with the second:
Deadlift for total kgs in 90secs
Select 80kg / 100kg / 120kg
Andy picked 100kg and hit 43 for a 4300kg total Gi went in lighter at
80kg and hit 50 reps for a 4000kg total and this immediatly put the
boys up with the leaders.
With the clock still running the boys had to go straight into the
second WOD called "2 Guns":
With 2 20kg kettlebells perform 4 rounds for time of
10 KB Squats
10 KB Shoulder to Overhead
10 KB Lunges
10 KB Thrusters
50m Farmers Walk
Andy did 18:09 Gi got to the 4th round presses but didn't finish in
the 20min cut off.
WOD 3 was "Cinderella"
AMRAP 10mins
5 CTB Pull Ups
10 Press Ups
15 Squats
Andy got 11 rds and was in the squats of the 12th round and Gi got 9
and was in the press ups of the 10th round every rep counted towards
their total score.
WOD 4 was kept a secret until 30 mins before it started. Only the 20
top athletes featured and the boys both made the cut. It was brutal
and a real test:
Load a prowler with 40kg and push it 50m
Unload prowler and carry 2x20kg bumpers anyhow 50m
Load bar to 40kg perform
10 Overhead Squats
10 Thrusters
10 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Front Squat
Load prowler with 40kg and push 50m
Gi got done in 6:13 and the mens final of the 3 top placed athletes
was really exciting and Andy led going into the final prowler push but
his legs blew up and he ended up taking 2nd with a time 4:35. It was a
really exciting finish to an awesome day and we have some awesome
footage which we will get up soon. Well done boys you represented CFV
and we are hugely proud of your efforts.
Big thankyou to Simon, Melissa and Dom of CF Central Manchester for an
awesome day!

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