Thursday, July 22, 2010

The 3D Gauntlet

Henson joins the muscle up club!

Ross, Dafydd and Nic dropped in for a workout this week! Always good to have you drop by fellas!

Todays WOD is CrossFit 3D's very own Gauntlet, check out Gi and Andy spanking the monkey at CrossFit 3D
If you would like to thank Karl and his crew for this WOD drop him an email or post on his comments section. I am sure he would love the feedback/abuse!!
{A} Warm Up /Mobilise
{B} “The 3D Gauntlet”
In a 30 minute window, complete:
“Grace” (30 ground to overhead anyhow, 60kg / 40kg)
75 knees to elbows (every time you break, do 35 double unders)
In the remaining time do as many rounds of:
“Half Kelly”
Run 200m
15 box jump 20″
15 wall ball
Score is how many rounds of “Half Kelly” you complete.

Post rounds to comments

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