Wednesday, June 16, 2010

GR Polo Night.

Last night was the regular bike polo night here in Grand Rapids. With impending thunder storms and need for refreshment along with some food a few of us headed over to one of our favorite spots in GR, Founders Brewery, for a little pre-game.

Matt really isn't that gruff, this is more of a look of bliss. A Founders sandwich and a brew, it's hard to beat.

After hanging out for a bit there we headed to the courts. Fortunately, where our courts are located are under Grand Rapids' S-Curve near the downtown GVSU campus, so as clouds began to form the court was going to stay dry although that still means people have to venture out in it.

Sorry, had to take a cliche mallet shot.

During a break in the action while we waited for more to join in.

Sorry no action shots, we were all too busy playing. We ended up just having 2 on 2 games for around 2.5 hours, in which we had the privilege of having some of GR's finest come down and watch for a bit. One being the our local CSI officer, apparently no 'back and to the left' crime scenes to investigate.

Flats seem to be the theme of the day. Bob was the first to have one after skidding through his back tire and then what ended up ending the polo session, Casey getting a mysterious flat just before the lights gave out for a moment. All in all, it was a great night for polo.


Since we've got polo on the mind today. There are 3 events that we would love to let everyone in on:

- This weekend, June 19th, in Bloomington, Indiana; the Indiana Invitational presented by Bloomington Bike Polo.

- July 10th-11th in Burlington, VT; the Last Stand Waterfront Bike Polo Tournament being put on by the Burlington Hardcourt Bike Polo crew.

At both of these events you will have the chance win some of our polo approved Chukker wheelsets!

Finally, mark your calendars, make your hotel reservations to make your pilgrimage to one of the bicycling Meca's in Madison, Wisconsin for the North American Hardcourt Bicycle Polo Champoinships on July 16th-18th. If you thought the Midwest 8 tournament was big, the North American should probably blow your mind!

Bike Polo: A Cycling Sport from Zach Cost on Vimeo.

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