Sunday, June 6, 2010


Get some Sunday reading done:
I keep going on but GET A FOAM ROLLER! I have been using one for a while now and it is very beneficial. I find during runs (400m,600m etc) that my calfs and quads feel much looser and I guess this is the result of me reducing the "fuzz" that has built up in my muscles and connective tissues as a result of years of abuse on the rugby field. Basically reducing the "fuzz" (very technical term!) just means everything works much more smoothly, with no internal resistance / friction from the tissues they can perform their role unhinderd. This equals better ROM which equals more power output this means increased work capacity and efficiency of movement ALL GOOD. But prehaps more importantly the increases in flexibilty will make your day to day life easier those little niggles that evryone has and just deals with may well disappear!!

100 Burpees For Time

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