Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Member of the Month

A new feature at CFV will be our Member Of The Month award which will be awarded based on a number of different factors such as attendance, effort, CFV website posts, improvements in technique / numbers / times etc. The winner will receive a free 1 hour personal training session and will also get to programme a WOD with some assistance from us for the rest of the classes!

Our first recipient of the award is the Slug. Si has seen huge improvements in a number of areas. His ROM has improved, his numbers are up and times are down he follows a paleo diet and has bought into CrossFit 100%. He could receive this award based on a number of factors but gets it for being our top poster to comments! Its always great for us as coaches to read your feedback in comments after WOD's as well as it being important for you to track your progress! Congrats Si!

{A}- Skipping/warmup (5 minutes of double under practice- shoulder mobility, glute stretch)
{B}- 5-5-5+ Power cleans @ 65% 75% 85% of 90% 1RM
{C}Run 200m(20kg/10kg)
21-15-9 KB Swing (24/16) or Wall Ball
Run 400m
{D}Warm down with trainer

Post reps for 5+ set of power cleans and time to comments

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